The first step in getting help is identifying you or your child’s communication strengths and needs. Northeast Hearing & Speech is here to help.
Speech-Language Evaluation
A speech-language evaluation is a comprehensive examination of the individual’s overall speech and language skills. At Northeast Hearing & Speech all evaluations are completed by an ASHA-certified and licensed Speech-Language Pathologist with expertise in assessment and intervention. Speech-language evaluations look at a variety of areas but focus on the primary reason for concern. Prior to the evaluation, you will be asked to provide information about you or your child’s background and respond to questions about what brings you to the appointment. The clinician will use this information along with standardized testing, behavioral observation, and parent/teacher/child interview to determine areas that may benefit from intervention. Standardized tests will help to determine how you or your child’s skills compare to other same age peers. Evaluations may include (but are not limited to) assessment of:
- Receptive Language
- Expressive Language
- Grammar/Syntax
- Articulation/Phonology
- Voice
- Modality of Communication
- Social/Pragmatic language
- Fluency
- Auditory Comprehension
- Oral Motor skills
Once completed, the Speech-Language Pathologist will share the results of the evaluation with you and how best to address any areas of concern. Recommendations may include re-evaluation, intervention, or no treatment. You will receive a written report with test results and recommendations. If your child is working with Child Development Services or a school, there will likely be an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) team meeting to discuss the results of the evaluation and how best to address the areas of concern. For more information about the signs and symptoms of a speech and language disorder click here.

Our Team

Emma Budway MS CF-SLP

Kelledy Farino

Laurie Flynn M.A., CCC-SLP

Jessica Fritzsch

Gabrielle Gibson CCC-SLP

Tara Jacquet

Leah Koch

Jackie Reifer

Karise Rupert

Lydia Sack
Schedule an Appointment
To book an appointment or to learn more about Northeast Hearing & Speech, contact us today!