Hearing Protection

Hearing loss happens for many reasons, one of the most common being exposure to loud noise (noise-induced hearing loss, or NIHL). While hearing loss is irreversible, that doesn’t mean it’s not preventable. Knowledge, hearing protection, and prevention can help keep your hearing healthy and you happy!

Audio Exposure Times: How Loud and How Long?

Noise can permanently damage your hearing by a single brief exposure to a high noise level, such as a firecracker going off near your ear. But hearing damage can also occur gradually at much lower levels of noise, if there is enough exposure over time. To protect your hearing, it is important to limit exposure to these moderately high noise levels and give your ears a chance to recover after any period of noise exposure.

audio levels

Types of Hearing Protection


Musicians earplugs come in both custom and non-custom options. These earplugs can reduce sound levels by approximately 20 dB, enough to reduce harmful sound without distorting speech or music.


Swim plugs are designed to keep water out of your ears, and are often recommended for individuals who have tubes placed in their eardrums or have chronic middle ear problems. Swim plugs are made of a floatable material and are available in a variety of colors.


Sleep plugs fit comfortably and allow for a night of uninterrupted rest. The plugs are perfect if you live in a noisy city or share a bed with someone who snores.


If you work in a noisy environment, it’s important to protect your hearing. There are multiple custom solutions to keep your hearing safe at work. Custom earplugs are made using a flexible material, which allows you to wear them comfortably for a number of hours, offering an effective defense throughout the work day.

occupational plugs

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